Blog 7.nicollrodriguez70518 nov 20231 Min. de lecturaPunto A. D. Austria B. The U. SB. Hotel porters AustraliaPUNTO B. Youcan give 6 Australian dollars2.tip 15 to 20% of the check3. 1 or 3 US dollars4. The tip can be 15% of the taxi price
Punto A. D. Austria B. The U. SB. Hotel porters AustraliaPUNTO B. Youcan give 6 Australian dollars2.tip 15 to 20% of the check3. 1 or 3 US dollars4. The tip can be 15% of the taxi price
Text summariesText summary 1. On a business trip, the user managed to acquire a beautiful handmade rug for $350 after negotiating with the merchant,...